How’s Bonsai?
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Mom texted to ask how Bonsai is doing. Here’s what I told her.
Well, we have ok days and not so good days. More frequent accidents in the house. She’s really stiff with the arthritis in her hips and back. Her cough seems to come and go. All in all about as expected. Sometimes we’re REALLY stubborn about eating. She’ll go like a day and a half without eating, despite coaxing, trying hot dogs, chicken, etc. then she’ll eat like a wolf for three days. That seems to be about the pattern. Tonight she’s being fussy again and isn’t eating her hot dog. The bigger problem when she doesn’t eat is that she doesn’t get her meds because we stuff them in the food.
I don’t think it’s quite “time” to make the hard decision just yet. But I know it’s coming and it still tears me up. I never in a million years thought losing her would hit me so hard. I think part of it is that she was so strong and fast and scrappy in her younger years and to see her deteriorating is awful. It’s just awful. I try to keep my chin up and be upbeat around her. I talk to her like normal but louder, just like I guess you would with a human lol. IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MEDICATION BONSAI I’ll say to her. She hates the liquid medication and shakes her head so much when I give it to her. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh because she’ll wag her little butt and shudder over the taste of the medicine, like she just took a dose of Vitameatavegemin.
Kinda one of those laugh to keep from crying situations I guess.
And that’s how Bonsai is doing.