America, Texas, and Ohio House Bill 51: A Bloody Bullet in the Heart of It All

Today in America

“…the average comes out to more than 100 Americans killed by bullets every day. On that same average day, another 200-plus are wounded by guns.…” Source:…

Today in Texas

Today “is the one-year anniversary of the Uvalde mass shooting. Nineteen fourth graders and two teachers at an elementary school were murdered.” Source:…

Today in Ohio

“State lawmakers are considering a bill… [that] would declare Ohio a “Second Amendment sanctuary state” to encourage police not to enforce federal gun control measures. [It] would prohibit taxes or fees from being imposed on firearms, but not other goods. And it would block any federal requirement to track ownership of firearms and firearm-related products.” Source: Sparks fly in hearing on bill to make Ohio a “Second Amendment sanctuary state” | WVXU

To the obscenely powerful NRA lobbyers of the obscenely corrupt law makers: please stop paying off politicians and start paying attention.

To the beneficiaries of all those bloody bullets, who’d rather provide sanctuary to instruments of murder than to sanctuary-seekers, stop.

You have too much blood on your hands to say you care about people or children or life. Your AK-47 lapel pins are shiny but your souls are tarnished, hazy, ugly, and dark. You’re not “anti-woke” you’re just plain asleep, clueless and careless about everything going on around you that doesn’t involve you acquiring more wealth or power. You’re not a Christian, you just dress like one. (How much starch do you need to keep those white hoods so crisp?)

You are torturers and societal sadists. You are without hope. Without empathy. Without humanity. It’s time for you to stop accepting dirty campaign money and start giving an actual damn.

Enough is enough.

We have had enough.

Enough completely preventable violence. Enough preventable deaths and injuries and suicides. Enough mass murder. Enough gun glorification. Enough constitutional bastardization. Enough constituent misrepresentation. Enough worthless thoughts and prayers. Enough sound bites. Enough lies that you know in your bones and your being are lies. Enough shaming and blaming and making up stories about mental health. Enough deregulation. Enough open-carry. Enough concealed-carry. Enough loopholes. Enough of you. Enough of your ilk. Enough of your sick, sad second amendment cult.

Stop. It.

All of it.


We’ve been asking you politely for decades, but you’ve been too busy getting your backs scratched to notice.

People are dying daily and will continue to die under your dismissive watch and your so-called leadership.

Your job is to serve the public. Start acting like it.

You have the power to stop all of this.

Do something now to stop it.

We’re watching. The whole world is watching.

#SecondAmendment #Repeal #Abolish #GunViolence #Ohio #OhioTheHeatOfItAll #Political #Preventable #CultMentality #GunGlorification #SactuaryState #StopGunViolence #GaysAgainstGuns