Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL 4/15/05 by Tori Amos

Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL 4/15/05 by Tori Amos

Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL 4/15/05

Tori Amos

I went to Chicago by myself to see this show. I missed my original flight because I was too hungover to get to the airport on time. I had entered a writing contest and won a seat upgrade to the third row. I missed the opening act which I didn’t mind, and I was nearly late to her first song, but I got to my seat just in the nick of time.

You can hear me go “woo!” at the beginning of “Space Dog”.

And when she started “Father Lucifer” I thought I was going to lose my fucking mind. And also when she started “Yes, Anastasia.” And also when she started “Cool On Your Island.” And also when she started “Mother.” And especially when she started “Cloud On My Tongue.”

It was a magical experience.