The Playbook

Am I understanding this 15-point plan correctly?

  1. Ride a tacky gold escalator to the ground floor.
  2. Be a jerk.
  3. Cheat to win.
  4. Create chaos for four years.
  5. Lie. About everything. Repeat often.
  6. Legitimately lose.
  7. As a legitimate loser, call for a coups and violent insurrection but don’t use those exact words (wink!).
  8. Create chaos for four years.
  9. Lie. About everything. Repeat often.
  10. Be a white supremacist but don’t use those exact words (wink).
  11. Lose but say you won before anyone can say you lost.
  12. Call in the favors owed to you by corrupt people and institutions.
  13. Toss the contest to the House.
  14. Watch 26 losers fall in line.
  15. Destroy democracy. Blame the Black lady for it.