Our Turn To Stand Guard?
Friday, January 17, 2025
“Now it’s your turn to stand guard.”
I have a problem with that, Mr. President. We elected you to stand guard. We elected you to implement the guardrails we needed to restore and preserve people’s faith in our government and elected officials. Expanding the SCOTUS. Eliminating the filibuster. And all the other things.
And you did do many great things. Some of the greatest things any POTUS has ever done.
But you also supported a genocide outright. You selfishly ran for a 2nd term despite there being a thousand reasons not to. And all the other things.
Meanwhile the fascists did all the fascist-ing and the oligarchs did all the oligarch-ing, and here we are.
How, exactly, are we supposed to stand guard now?
We wrote letters. We stayed informed. We warned our friends, families, and colleagues. We voted. We complained. We coalesced. And all the other things.
But it didn’t work.
And I don’t understand how or accept that that’s our fault, and that now it’s our responsibility to guard against a threat that’s already here.
A threat that’s already here isn’t a threat.
It’s a catastrophe. And it’s a catastrophe that you and the Democratic Party should have prevented. And you had decades to do it. And you didn’t.
So it’s not our turn, I’m afraid.
They lied, cheated, and stole our turn.
It is their turn. And it’s going to be a fucking nightmare.
And you all didn’t do enough to stop it.
God won’t bless us all because God does’t exist. Reality does, and you should’ve been dealing in reality from Day 1.
And you didn’t.
So thank you for your public service.
But don’t hand off to us a doused, soggy torch to bear and expect us to be inspired. Because mostly, we aren’t. And that isn’t our fault.
And I think you know it.