Location check in 🗺 — MedVet

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✊ Some fragile, privileged, rich white men tried to stop teachers from teaching Black history. Kristi Williams teaches it anyway, on her own time and dime. Kristi Williams isn’t going to back down. Kristi Williams starts each lesson with a pledge: “We will remember the humanity, glory and suffering of our ancestors and honor the struggle of our elders.” Kristi Williams is a modern day hero. Be like Kristi Williams. https://www.

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🔊 Today is a work-at-the-downtown-office day for me. With it being the day before a holiday, there will be no one there. I can turn up my Bluetooth speakers a bit more than usual!

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Just got the notice on my iPhone that Apple is increasing their Apple One subscription price. I don’t like it, but I feel like I’m stuck with it. How did I get here? It all started when iTunes Match came out and I subscribed. It was glorious. Not only could I listen to my music from anywhere, I could listen to my music anywhere - the music I’d imported that Apple had magically matched to better quality versions of the same songs.

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I was obsessed with this song for a good month or so. I though it had released its grip on me. It has not.

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Wearing nothing is divine Naked is a state of mind song.link/us/i/7116…

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Lucy’s morning routine 😔 💊💊💊💊+💧💧💧💧=💸💸💸💸 but also = 🐶 which means it’s worth every dollar. It’s just…a lot of dollars. She does really well with taking everything though. Bonsai was a nightmare when it came to taking meds. I still miss that stubborn Shiba. 🐕

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🏳️‍🌈 Coincidentally, husband just bought me a bumper sticker that says “Legalize Drag”. This decision is a big win and hopefully not a temporary one. https://mrd.url.lol/305bi10

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This is what I woke up to this morning, and what I’m grateful to wake up to almost every morning. It’s a Kate Bush coffee mug full of coffee and a glass full of water. My husband brings them to me (sometimes the coffee is in a Prince coffee mug) and sits with me and then together, we wake up. Sometimes we talk about things. What our plans are for the day.

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👏 President James Buchanan (1867): Says the Senate is the “world’s greatest deliberative body” because of its reputation for intelligent and impassioned debate. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) (2023): Says “If I’m going to fight, I’m going to bite” after stating in session that he wants to physically fight Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents 1.4 million workers across the country. 👏 Stop 👏 Electing 👏 Idiots 👏 Into 👏 Positions 👏 Of 👏 Power

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Michael and I took a walk to the branch library. We can see the building from our back door, but you can’t walk there in a straight line because the fenced off baseball fields and playground are in the way. (We just love those fenced off baseball fields and playground. They aren’t a nuisance at all, and neither are the parents who bring their kids to them in the summer, who take up all the street parking and yell and scream and yell and cheer and yell and yell.

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Any good Jim Henson documentaries out there? I mean don’t get me wrong, Mr. Rogers’s impact can’t be ignored, but Jim Henson made an impact, too.

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We just coined a new word for GOPers: Religibigidiots (religious bigoted idiots). Aren’t we clever.

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Location check in 🗺 — Potbelly

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“I’m not giving up the title Republican yet, because I haven’t changed. They have.” You sure about that, Adam? Because from where I’m sitting, your party, the self-proclaimed moderates, the far right nut jobs, the KKK, the political terrorists, you’ve all been singing from the same hymnal and achieving the same outcomes for a couple generations now…it might be time you thought about that title a little more intentionally.

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Just had about half of the good cry I need to have. Lucy has two ulcers on her good eye and can’t see at all right now (since Friday). But when I got home she was so happy to see me that she ran down the hall and back. And it just makes me want all the time I can have with her in all the world.

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My god, but Tusk is a great album. Holy crap. How am I just now discovering the rest of it? Walk a Thin Line came on a Fleetwood Mac Apple Music playlist and man oh man did that hook me. I don’t think I’d ever heard it before! So I started the whole album from the beginning and it’s just so. Good.

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Welp, my hubby did a lot of decorating and we got about $40 or $50 worth of candy, all for six lousy kids who weren’t even wearing costumes. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Take a look: share.icloud.com/photos/04… Halloween is still my favorite, though 🎃👻🦇🕷️🧛🏼‍♂️🧙🧟‍♂️💀😱🖤

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I hate the YouTube app almost as much as I hate the Substack app. My seething hatred could lead to overlooking something, but are text status update-like posts in people’s YouTube subscription feeds now? There’s no video or share button on this post. I can report it or scroll past it. That’s it.

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Michael named him Ralph.

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“It is time to dismantle this hate, this infection that has plagued our beautiful country,” he said. “It is time to rid these icons of hate.” Yes, sir. Yes, it is. Inside the secretive melting of Civil War monument Robert E. Lee - Washington Post

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🧙‍♀️ It’s like in The Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West shows up to steal her dead sister’s shoes and Glinda’s all like, “Girl you better watch out now. She’s worse than the other one was,” to Dorothy. And Dorothy’s all like, “…well shit.” That’s pretty much the level of screwed we are, unless we can come up with another MAJOR ice bucket challenge situation for this guy.

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Trump pledges to turn away those who don’t like ‘our religion’ - The Washington Post Pathetic pandering from the dumbest demagogue to his Christian supremacist cult. What a worm.

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I drafted this little paragraph after I listened to a song by Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet. The song is called Strange Things and it lives on an eponymously titled album. Abigail Washburn is a clawhammer banjo playing singer songwriter. She plays bluegrass, speaks and sings in Mandarin, is married to Béla Fleck, and has a very short, but very powerful and memorable TED talk about the importance of music and the power it has to connect people and cultures (Building US-China Relations … by Banjo).

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