We x
Lucy isn’t eating her breakfast this morning. This is always worrying because she’s so food motivated. I’m trying to let her rest. She woke me around 4a and it was obvious she’d been up for a while judging from what I had to clean up.
I don’t want to say goodbye.
I don’t know how to say goodbye.
I want to curl up in a ball and hold her close and tell her it’ll be ok. That she’ll be ok.
But it’s not going to be ok. She’s not going to get better.
I don’t mean to put my grieving on full display. Or maybe I do.
I don’t know what I mean to do.
I am hurting and so is she. I hate it.
Yesterday was the most insufferable day I’ve ever had with Lucy. It was miserable. And heartbreaking.
At one point I had this song on repeat, Sleep Baby Jane, from the Over the Rhine album Eve and cried while I sat at the dining table and it played in its loop.
My baby. My baby. My baby.
This Was Supposed to Be About Dying. It Turned Out to Be About Not Living.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
There’s a Bonnie Raitt song I love called “Nick of Time” from her 1989 album of the same name. (My cool Aunt Cathie turned me on to that album. I must’ve been about 11 or 12. Her early influence on my musical tastes persists.) There are several simple observations and lessons in that song. This is my favorite: Life gets mighty precious When there’s less of it to waste.
Waiting on a Word
Thursday, May 30, 2024
We’re at home now, Michael and I. We’ve been sitting out front in the tranquil garden green space Michael makes, shutting out the noise from the church people across the street with songs by Aretha Franklin playing on my iPhone. It’s cool outside, unseasonably and almost chilly. Michael has on his Keith Haring sweatshirt. I’m still in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. I like the cool outside times. We sat on one of the two benches Michael has in the garden, one black and the other white.
🐶 At the animal hospital with Lucy, by the way. Trying not to think of worst possible outcomes.
👨⚖️ Guilty x 34 = you are the weakest link goodbye
We need a law that states the periodic table of elements and the theory of evolution must be on display in every CHURCH.
Absolutely 💯💯💯
Stalin’s “Great Terror,” for example, involved the execution of an estimated 750,000 people who were seen as political dissidents. The training calls these systematic killings “the original cancel culture.”
DeSantis and his state department of education indoctrination can go jump off an anti-woke bridge any time.
🤕 I. Feel. Awful. If you all of a sudden think you feel a sore throat coming on and no other symptoms, take it seriously. By day three you’ll be a sweaty, achy, itchy, stuffy, runny, exhausted mess.
Happy 14th birthday to Lucy beagle! She’s driving me nuts right now with all her pacing back and forth, but I’m fighting off a cold and easily aggravated. Sore throat, runny stuffy nose, hot then cold then hot then sweat sweat sweat. Tired. So tired. Haven’t felt this gross in a while.
💸📚💻 Libraries reckon with high e-book costs (axios.com)
It costs the library $75 to get a single digital license of Harlan Coben’s latest novel, “Think Twice.” The e-book can be checked out by one patron at a time and the license expires after two years.
A physical copy costs just $16 and can remain permanently in the collection.
Big publishers are price-fixing consumer-gouging monoliths who should be brought to their knees in class action lawsuits. IMHO
I got a macro clip on lens for my iPhone camera. I’m not sure it’s better than the regular lens or not. What do you think?
Ron DeSantis targets Pride Month by limiting colored lights on bridges
Nothing says freedom quite like telling people they can only use three government-approved colors!
God, I hope he falls of one of his stupid anti-woke bridges and drowns like the lump of fake patriotic phlegm he is.
A colleague just Teams’d me:
So you just came up in a “Coffee Chat” as part of the HR Insights program. It was an informal session and training needs came up. I talked about our time on the TDC and Ray J. threw you out there as a “wealth of knowledge” who is incredibly helpful and able to bring a different flavor of training. As someone who also strives to do that, I thought I should pass it along. I added that you are incredibly kind and easy to work with.
I replied with a thank you, and also I kind of haven’t stopped smiling for the last hour.
The right to vote is the foundation of American democracy. Key to that right is ensuring that voters pick their elected officials — not the other way around.
Yup. If only the Supreme Court of the United States of American’t Let You Vote ‘Cause You’re Black would listen.
🍔 Hi Matthew,
The ultrasound results show fatty liver disease which is very common. Fatty liver disease is managed via management of diabetes and making healthy diet choices. So things look stable!
We should though just place a referral to a GI specialist who can monitor this just to ensure that it stays stable. That referral will be completed within the week.
XXXXXX APRN,CNP ——— What means this "healthy diet choices" words word?
Is a leprechaun? A unicorn? Beyoncé?
I do not understand. I do not even over stand.
Please re-transmit message.
Barely a week after Dems save Mike Johnson’s ass and he’s out Trumpeting like he’s first chair in a really lousy, tone-deaf, corrupt concert band.
I get the “better the devil you know” concept but c’mon, Dems! 🤬 Wake. Up. This is the real world. It’s his reality show and you keep losing every single challenge. You do not have immunity.
STOP being polite and start getting real!
Great pre-show meal at Due Amici. Blackened salmon Caesar salad. Lemon crostata for dessert. Wanted a taste of their Limoncello, which would’ve been the first sip of alcohol I’d have had in well over a year or two or three, but they’re all out. Oh well. On with the show! 🍋
We’re going to Tina! The musical. So I figured if I’m ever going to wear these sparkly shoes this would be the time.