Michael is going all out for his Fall display this year. Ours will be the best porch on the block!

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🇺🇸 Both parties are not the same.

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Lucy just went outside. We might be looking at another colitis flare up. That could be profoundly devastating because I can’t afford another doggie hospital stay. We’d maybe have to make a decision that I’m not ready to make. So whoever’s in charge, keep my girl safe and well. 🙏🐶🏠👬

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📅 It’s Friday. It’s payday. I am committed to having a good day on purpose.

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Today was hard. Basically I sweated through an 8-hour panic attack. I literally get overheated, then I panic that people will notice I’m overheating, which makes me overheat some more, which makes me panic some more, and on it goes. I felt like my face was beet red-or maybe beat red-all day.

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Great quote here @archimage clicky for quotey

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I have over 11,000 pictures chaotically scattered about in iCloud. I don’t know how I’m ever going to get them organized. 😫📸🖼️❎💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯➕🤳

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Delete your digital history from dozens of companies with this app www.washingtonpost.com/technolog

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🫠 I used ChatGPT to help craft a 12-month training plan for a division that’s beginning to focus more on public speaking and presenting. I included this: Transparency statement: Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) was utilized in the creation of this plan. ChatGPT output was prompted by, supervised by, edited by, and refined by (Me), (My Title). So basically I was Prince. (“Produced, arranged, composed, and performed by Prince” is on all of his albums).

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Well this looks interesting… hampr - laundry delivery

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🤬 A family of about eight million people complete with a loud ass kid screaming absolute bloody murder at the top of his lungs is ahead of me at the salon, where only two stylists are working. Getting a haircut is usually a favorite thing I get to do. Not today. Word to the not-very-wise: DON’T take your entire effing family and all twenty of your bratty little snot nosed ankle biters to the salon all at once on a Sunday morning, completely taking over the place and ensuring a miserable experience for everyone around you.

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📏 I miss 12” extended remixes.

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My husband sure knows how to arrange some flowers.

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Michael invited another couple over for dinner tonight. Two things on that: I get kinda panicky about having people over to eat, so I decided to ask ChatGPT for some advice. I might’ve gotten a little carried away making a playlist for dinner. It has 129 songs and is 8 hrs. long.

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🇺🇸 I hope every union worker in the country has woken up and is ready to walk, and actually DOES walk when billion dollar industries and corporations try again to claim they can’t afford to pay workers, only executives. Workers: your time has long since arrived.

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🎵 Now Playing: Strange Things by Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet from the album Abigail Washburn & the Sparrow Quartet on Music

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Yesterday’s selfie. I had to wear a suit ugh

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A couple photos of the Ohio Statehouse from yesterday morning that I played around with. The sky really was a brilliant, beautiful blue.

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…by 1960. That’s when both the actors and the writers last went on strike together. (In an odd twist, the head of the actors' union who called for that strike was Ronald Reagan, who would later campaign against “big labor” as President.) Source: Here’s what strikes on-screen can tell us about real-life Hollywood strikes : NPR

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Color me surprised. 😡

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🎵 Now Playing: New Sensation by INXS from the album Kick (30th Deluxe Edition) on Music

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Left this as a comment on SubStack on a post that glorified Mitt Romney. God I hate that app. I don’t know. He’s certainly no hero. Let’s not forget his party’s idea of democracy is deeply flawed in the first place. The policies and legislation and rules he helped put into place are all part of what got us into this mess. He and his buddies created this monster, fed it steak for dinner every night, and now (and only just now) think they can just walk away from it and suddenly they’re principled, upstanding freedom fighters?

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✴️ I guess I was focused today but I really only got one thing done done. Granted the one thing was made up of a zillion little things, but still. I had a lot of do-overs, too. I guess it’s all good learning, though, so it’s ok.

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My, oh my

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So they’re releasing a remake of The Color Purple. At first I thought it’d be a terrible idea, but I saw the trailer at the movie theater last night, and it actually looks pretty amazing. Producers include Oprah, Quincy Jones, and Steven Spielberg.

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