As he kisses goodbye in the morning, after having me set with coffee & water & meds & my lunch & getting my work stuff ready, Michael tells me, “Have a good day on purpose!” And I love him for it.
Although if I’m ever to say it to someone, I will change it to, “Have a good hair day on purpose!”
WHY OH WHY has Saturday Night Live not done a parody commercial with Biden selling Trump Sux vacuum cleaners in response to all of Trump’s product hawking?!!? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
❓ Does anyone know if there’s a way, through iOS shortcuts, that I could set up a weekly repeating status update. I’d like to post a weekly disclaimer reminder on my LinkedIn. Right now I’ve got statuses linked to a 3rd party that pushes to LinkedIn, but I’m not sure how to repeat the same status each week.
There was a time not too long ago (read, “Thursday”) that I would have died before ever placing a quote by the notoriously cold, homophobic, and generally awful former president Ronald Reagan on a profile I use. That man let a generation of gay men die from AIDS. Rather than taking any action at all, his administration literally laughed in reporters' faces about the epidemic. (Look it up.) In fact, Ronald Reagan’s is a grave I would gladly dance upon.
⛪ “Just today, Trump began to hawk Bibles for $59.99, plus shipping and handling.” 🙄 I’ve never been so tempted to buy something just to desecrate it. And I mean really desecrate it. Show ‘em a little separation of church and state 💩🧻🔥
✝️ A sign that reads “Center for Christian Values” hangs now on the building where some Republican organization’s sign used to hang. For me it begs the question, what exactly is a “Christian” value and how does it differ from a “value” value? Is it the pleated skirts? It’s probably the pleated skirts.
So not only are we forcing births through abortion bans, but now we’re also forcing births through disinformation campaigns. I do not understand this republican, right-wing, crazy obsession with fetuses and wombs and women. I mean it’s all about control and patriarchy and keeping women in their place, obviously. But I do not understand that obsession either.
🦅🇺🇸 Don’t trust any organization with the words “freedom” or “liberty” or “heritage” or “patriots” in the name. Those organizations are never any of those things. Those organizations took those words, twisted them, mashed them, molded them into something insidious, and then resold them as hardly veiled nationalist, oligarchical rhetoric. Their buying audience is an all to an all too eager and ignorant one.
⛪️💵 They’re the mega churches of the political landscape.
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This is a Chicken. Despite what the liberal media would have you believe, this is a chicken.
Immediately upon fertilization (and cryo-preservation) it is a chicken. All rights of chickenhood are bestowed upon it because it is a chicken. It can peck and eat insects and seeds, it can preen and take dust baths, and because it cannot sweat, it cools itself by dunking its beak in cold water or flapping its wings.
NPR Watched Biden SOTU Speech with Undecided Voter Who ‘Wasn’t that Impressed’? |
The funny thing about this (not funny “ha ha” but funny “omg we’re all doomed and if I don’t nervously laugh about it I WILL have a meltdown and I WILL take you there with me”) is that any American is “undecided” on who she’s voting for.
What else on this entire earth do you possibly need to see with your own dull, listless, hollow eyes to make a decision?
I asked ChatGPT to analyze one of my favorite pieces of writing I’d done about a moment between me and Michael. Here’s how it responded. Not bad advice, and I especially appreciated the complimentary tone of our new robot overload. I feel much better about future assimilation attempts as generative AI continues generative-ing and readies itself for complete global domination, probably by this Friday, or Monday at the latest.
Your piece, “Who are you?
Honestly, the first question I have for Obsidian experts is how many vaults do you recommend a person have. Just one master vault? Or like, one per project? One for personal one for professional? If you make separate ones can the info and knowledge you capture still be linked?
Also I found that the Wayback Machine did archive some of my Twitter posts under my first username. Can anyone point me to instructions on how to import them here? I saw something about that some time ago but couldn’t get it to work.