Why use matches when you can use legislation? The 90th Anniversary of Germany’s Book Burnings: ‘A Terrible Attack’

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill legalizing anti-LGBTQ+ medical discrimination Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has signed the “Protections of Medical Conscience Act,” a law that allows healthcare providers or payors to deny service on the basis of “a conscience-based objection,” including any ethical, moral, or religious beliefs. The bill provides no definition for what constitutes a “moral” or “ethical” belief.

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SCOTUS Blog Issue: Whether the court should overrule Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency. In other words, do federal regulatory agencies have the express power to regulate stuff? Is it the responsibility of: — the EPA to regulate pollutants? — the USDA to keep our food supply safe?

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Deleted my Trakt rss feed. I doubt many people care what I’m watching at any given moment, and I don’t write witty recaps or reviews, but if you wanna follow me there, with both of the other people that do, you can find me at https://trakt.tv/users/undamnedone

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Finally completely broke up with LastPass. I ditched their authenticator in favor of Authy.

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🎵 Now Playing: Empty Hearts by Alison Krauss from the album Forget About It on Music

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Seen on web: To use Google via duckduckgo just add !g to your search terms, e.g. noscript block settings !g Apparently you’ll be redirected to Google but DDG will strip all the personally identifying stuff/trackers/etc. for the request. As of 2022 & according to “BruceWayne” so obvs it’s true.

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Some photos from Michael’s garden.

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For several years, I’ve been saying that leaders at the executive level in government should have tech training because I thought it would help them develop themselves. (I even brought it up when I was on a committee to develop an executive training program. Nobody listened.) Now I’m starting to see a trend not of government executives who are a little out of touch with the latest trends - but of government executives who are doing real, actual harm to their agencies because they’re technically ignorant.

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Just last year Republicans introduced over 315 anti-queer pieces of legislation, with 29 having passed into law. The violence that has characterized assaults against the LGBTQ community for centuries is essentially being ratified in law by the GOP. Trump Proves Hate & Violence Is Not the Fascist’s Final, Last-Gasp Option: It’s Their First

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Trump Proves Hate & Violence Is Not the Fascist’s Final, Last-Gasp Option: It’s Their First A new report from the Leadership Conference Education Fund documents how hate crimes have more than doubled in the United States since Donald Trump entered politics in 2015.

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You Have to Grind This Motherfucker Down - How Things Work This piece of writing right here? This absolutely deserves to be shared widely.Actually what it deserves is a goddamn Pulitzer. I could read this 100 times and not get tired of it. Somebody, please. Take. Him. Down.

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Garish. That’s how I’d describe Ohio’s new tourism branding. Absolutely garish. 🤢🤮 And I wonder how many millions of dollars some consulting firm got paid for doing this. #Ohio #CrappyDesign #BadDesign #tourism

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Apparently Ohio has a new tourism slogan, “Ohio, the Heart of it All” which is exactly like the old tourism slogan, “Ohio, the Heart of it All.” It has a new logo and branding that might as well have been designed by…what’s something that doesn’t design things very well? A Great Dane? Microsoft Paint? Liza Minnelli? Well, whatever. The point is that it’s ugly. Like, I can’t even with this design.

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🙋‍♀️ I really like and appreciate my new boss. She’s positive but also keeps things real. I trust her because she’s helped me to avoid some potential land mines, she’s patient with me as I adjust, and she’s easy to talk to.

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Another typical move from the GOP to hold on to power at any cost. Fascists. They’re trying to make it impossible to amend the state constitution. God I can’t stand our politicians in this state. Stop Rolling Back Democracy in Ohio, No on HJR 1 and SJR 2 - Resist.Bot Petition

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📺 Wow, CNN. Just heard the re-cap. I wouldn’t have opened my studio to those nut jobs if you’d paid me.

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🫓 Michael brought some lovely biscotti and lightly sweet Italian cookies and cannoli with him to our morning bedside coffee time. It was delightful to spend our early hour together that way.

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🎵 Now Playing: Graceland by Paul Simon from the album Graceland (25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) on Music

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🦷 The tooth checker says I’m doing good. But also I need to floss more. Or at all. Like, ever. And now, please, show them your teeth, Froggy: https://youtu.be/ulBCfQjwrnE

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🤖 Should we start adding disclaimers to emails we’ve written without AI assistance? One person’s recommendation: “No intelligence, artificial or otherwise, was employed in the composition of this message.” Yeah. I’m gonna hafta steal that.

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🎵 Now Playing: Spin The Bottle by The Juliana Hatfield Three from the album Become What You Are on Music

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Election lawyer Marc Elias (paraphrased, via Heather Cox-Richardson): “We cannot out-organize voter suppression.” Voter suppression is not “campaign tactics.” It is “the illegal and immoral deprivation of constitutional rights.” May 8, 2023 (Monday)

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These are not natural disasters. We are powerless to stop earthquakes but not mass carnage from guns. Fatalism is a favorite tool for those who peddle in death under the pretext of the “Second Amendment.” I’ve been saying that these are not natural disasters for literal years, around the time each year that we’re forced to take “surviving an active shooter” training. And that training always, always begins with, “Well, I wish it weren’t so but the fact of the matter is that these situations happen and you need to be prepared for them.

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😶 When Serbia - SERBIA - does more to curb mass shootings and control gun ownership than the United States. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/serbia-mourns-shooting-victims-prepares-illegal-gun-amnesty-99153432

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