😰 Whew! Thank you Ohio for not happily giving away your right to have your vote count. (Issue 1 defeated, but not by a landslide.)

The Long Surrender by Over the Rhine - a Review

This is one of the few Amazon reviews I’ve ever written. It still holds true for me today. The Long Surrender is still my favorite, and still their best, album. I grew up in Cincinnati, and a friend introduced me to Over the Rhine when I was in high school in the mid-90s. They’ve been my favorite band since then, so I’m a fan of most of their music. I believe this album to be their best, and I kick myself three or four times a year for not helping to crowdfund it.

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🛰️ We are one trigger happy Twitter rebrand away from a global communications catastrophe.

I thought Elon Musk was just another spoiled, white, rich, worthless, whiny, racist, scumbag billionaire hack.

Turns out he owns a little piece of technology called Starlink and that he controls over 50% of the globe’s working satellites. One man. Nearly infinite power and obscene wealth.

And he’s already “restricted the use of Starlink on the battlefields, leaving Ukrainian troops without the ability to communicate in a way that suggests he was conducting his own foreign and military policy that conflicted with that of the United States.”

It’s time to eat the rich.

I have a distorted self-image. But which is which?

Can a FedEx Deliverer Not Deliver to Me Because I’m Gay?

Here’s a very real thought I just had: FedEx has mis-delivered three packages of ours in less than a week. One? A mistake. Two? A coincidence. But three? I’m sensing a pattern. We have a rainbow flag proudly flying at our home. What if the FedEx driver saw it and decided he didn’t have to, you know, do his job because of his sincerely held beliefs which now make it acceptable for him to do something just like that?

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My favorite Sinéad O’Connor cover: Elton John’s “Sacrifice”


I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts

There they are, all standing in a row

Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head…

Ohhhh, I’m not well 🫠

But I Do Know Mandinka

Once upon a time I took a trip to London, England when I was about 18 or 19. I was in my freshman year at a certain state university, and the trip was part of an honors program experience. (Yes, I was in the honors program and still managed to basically flunk out by the end of the year. Great story there, I’ll be sure to tell you sometime.) Anyway, I was walking outside on my own (I never stay with the group when a chaperone says, “Stay with the group,” and this walk was no exception).

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“His Hollywood star was finally rising. Now he cleans apartments. - The Washington Post”

An anonymous studio executive recently told the entertainment news outlet Deadline that “the endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses.”

Ruthless vampires. I hope they (the executives) get hung out to dry.

The Weirdness Of Loss That Isn't Really Loss But Kind Of It Is

It’s still weird to me to process a popular singer’s death. It’s weird to feel loss for someone you’ve never met. It’s weird to have been moved so deeply by someone you’ve never met, only seen and heard through electronic mediums. It’s just…a weird thing to feel and process. I was sad about Prince dying, and Tina Turner. But really, only a bit, y’know? I consider myself a huge Prince fan.

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There’s so much beautiful nuance in her singing. Black Boys on Mopeds (live, solo, acoustic): youtu.be/n14lwdpYk…

I fell out of touch with her more recent work, but this is one from like 10 years ago that I really love, love, love www.youtube.com/watch

⛔ It’s funny to me that the people who complained the most about liberal “cancel culture” are the exact ones banning books - literally cancelling culture - and who are also in fact the ones who should be cancelled themselves!

Society needs libraries almost as much as I need this t-shirt.

Just kidding. Fight those puritanical propaganda pushing puppets tooth and nail. Bigots disguised as martyrs out to save America from itself need to go away now, please. #FightCensorship: www.ala.org/advocacy/…

Pete always has the best silhouette.

Sinead Last Day of our Acquaintance - Live SNL 1990 Vimeo.com

Powerful, and vulnerable. Raw, necessary art and truth.

I don’t think I realized how deeply her music lives in my heart. How significant a role it’s actually played. Much more than I knew.

Also feeling this as a personal loss is weird.

My Apple Music library is a mess. I never should’ve integrated added streaming with my regular music files. iTunes Match is on top of it all and now there’s all this mis-matching, I’m getting songs I never added, my demos & b-sides are all wrecked. How do you organize your music library?

🎵 Now Playing: Pancake by Tori Amos from the album Scarlet's Walk on Music

A few more sunflowers on a cloudy day

Sunshine on a cloudy day 🎵🌻