What the hell does issue 1 have to do with farming and what the hell does an “anti-ag extremist” even look like? Is that like, someone who boycotts cream style corn?

God I want the entire Republican Party to go away. If I could press a button, I’d do it in a heartbeat without a single regret. Liars.

🚴‍♂️ Husband asked if I’m ever going to ride the bike that I haven’t ridden once since we met like nine years ago. I said probably not. And I hate that more than just a little bit.

This one hurts.

Sinéad O’Connor, acclaimed Dublin singer, dies aged 56

🙇 Experiencing some of the worst pain in my neck I think I’ve ever felt. Ouch!

A few lobby photos for a new hire onboarding presentation I’m working on.

Sanctuary: our purple palace (notice the Prince poster print)

🥑 Super grateful for a husband who’s willing to go on a Chipotle run, even when quac costs extra.

🪂 So what happens if I DO wanna have fun tonight, but I DON’T wanna Wang Chung tonight?

…Asking for a friend.

☕ Man am I ever grateful to have a husband who doesn’t mind making the occasional coffee run.

I don’t know all the L7 songs, but this one is my favorite :)

Pretend We’re Dead by L7 on Apple Music

🎵 Now Playing: 6's to 9's (feat. Rationale) by Big Wild from the album Superdream on Music

😥 Lucy’s doing ok. But not great. Her tail isn’t constantly wagging so I know she’s not feeling good.

Presumably educated medical tech online:

“Vote YES on issue 1 to protect the unborn. To vote NO will allow you to abort a full term baby!


Most people call it “giving birth” but sure, we can go with “aborting a full term baby” I guess. I mean, you’re the medical tech here, after all. 🙄

This is an outrageous ploy to erect an unreasonable hurdle for supporters of reproductive rights to benefit an intolerant minority.

Editorial: Ohio lawmakers want to subvert democracy to stop voters from protecting abortion access. Shame on them

44 Ohio Republicans brought forth a drag-ban bill, you know, because they’re assholes. Thank god they care enough to protect us. Not from assault weapons. Not from climate change. Just from drag queens.

Posted this photo on LinkedIn as a small form of protest. #StopHB245 #OhioTheHeartOfItAll

Drag isn’t a crime, but Ohio House Bill 245 would make it one.  #StopHB245 #OhioTheHeartOfItAll

🐾 A good spot of news on Lucy: they got her to eat and keep down some food. It was a mild cat food, and she only liked it if it was heated up and hand-fed to her. But I’m taking it as a sign of progress in the right direction. I’d hand-feed her morning, noon, and night if that’s what it would take to have her around a little longer. We get to pick her up early this afternoon.

P.S. Today would’ve been Shiba Inu Bonsai’s birthday :-/ I still think of her almost nightly.

🎵 Now Playing: by from the album on Music

⚕️ Lucy update: no progress. They’re keeping her another night. I’m allowed to visit but I’m scared to because that makes it more real. I can’t block my emotions if it’s more real. I wish I’d learned real coping skills at some point in my motherfucking life. Any point. Why don’t they teach THAT in schools? “Here are some techniques you can try to be better equipped to handle all the awful, horrific, terrible things life is going to throw at you over and over and over again.” Instead we’re taught we’re broken if we don’t see the glass as half full and look for silver linings. Thanks, teach.

🐶 Lucy is sick again and I can’t deal. We’re probably looking at another trip to the ER in a little bit. I literally can’t afford anything more than for them to check her out. We’ve spent so much on her this year and I’m literally maxed out financially and emotionally. It’s so stressful.

Dear Dems: STOP 👏 COMPROMISING 👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏