🥯 Bagel time!

🫢 Off to tame the ol’ bushy eyebrows. Ouch!

🎥 POLL: Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead OR Adventures in Babysitting?

This is the view from our porch. I am so grateful to Michael for making this house a home.

Tracy Chapman - Fast Car (Official Video)


Also YouTube has become so infested with obtrusive advertising it’s barely usable. I can’t stand using the app.

You got a fast car 🎵

A white contemporary country singer appropriating er… I mean covering Tracy Chapman? I’m skeptical. Though I must say I respect his decision, according to Wikipedia, to keep the gendered lyrics in tact (“… work in the market as a checkout girl…”). One of my biggest pet peeves is when a singer re-genders song lyrics or titles (eg “The Boy from Ipanema” etc.). Also a pet peeve? Club remixes that shouldn’t exist.

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👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 I finally had the guts to push back on some of my dad's FOX News-fueled ignorance. He just sent me 10 pages of misinformed opinion. But I'm the one who needs to open his mind. Sure, Jan.

Happy 4th! My dad and I are in the middle of an email war. He keeps saying I should have an open mind while he spouts off that Trump is a great businessman and president, Biden is terrible for leaving the troops wherever, and that Black Lives Matter is worse than the insurrection. …sure, Jan. 🇺🇸

Hashtag I’m Gay 🏳️‍🌈

Is Biden just gaslighting us about caring about debt forgiveness? Or is it truly a priority of his and his administration?

Spoiler alert:


🫠 She hadn’t even STARTED THE COMPANY YET.

The email she supposedly received was timestamped the day AFTER she filed suit.

The guy who allegedly sent the email was already an established designer with friends who were also designers AND he denies sending the email in the first place.

Yet so compelled was she by “god” (and whichever right wing hack is paying all of her legal bills) that she brought a literally baseless case to the Supreme Court AND WON.

Guess the “lord” works in mysterious ways 🤷🏻‍♂️

👺 I really hope the Church of Satan has some good stuff planned to push back on the SCOTUS decision.

Sick to death of laws and protections and precedents being overturned and gutted because whiny privileged Christian supremacists keep getting their way.

🖤 Listening to the hidden track on Limbo by Throwing Muses. It’s called White Bikini Sand and it’s always over too quickly. I love the stand up bass bow clicks and the tambourine.

Because of course they did

Religious freedom doesn’t mean you get to be a bigot oh wait yes it legally does now thanks to our illegitimate SCOTUS. This opens up HUGE potential for blatant discrimination to occur on a grand scale. May as well have a sign over the water fountain that says Straights Only. Abysmal, lying, pathetic cowards hide behind religion, rather than actually believing it or practicing it. They always have, bastardizing it to suit their narrative and turning it into a modern day white hooded robe.

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We (barely) met the statewide deadline for our mandatory training initiative and I was looking for a “yay” .gif to post in our Teams channel and saw this and I just don’t know how I’ve lived without it for so long

🙊 I’m starting to become more vocal about my political beliefs on LinkedIn. It’s something I’ve tried hard NOT to do during my entire public service career, and I’ve done a fairly decent job of it. But I’m sick of pretending to be neutral when I’m not, and acting like everything is ok when it’s not ok, and appearing like I’m cool with it when I’m not. I’m extremely nerd with it. And I’m sick of pretending like decisions made in politics dare not be spoken of at work. So I guess I’m taking off the kid gloves a bit.

👨‍🏫 I think my sign off at work is going to be, “Take good care, and take good training.”

Also I kinda feel like this HR disco ball should be our unofficial mascot. Can we do that? Shine a light on it? Work it into our mission statement?

“Human Resources: Our mission is to recruit, retain, and disco all day long.”
