I guess I listened to 3,572 songs this year on Apple Music. “Look At Miss Ohio” was, clearly, my favorite. I put it on repeat so many times. Is anyone else on Apple Music? I only follow 2 people and would love to follow more. 🎵

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These are some of my favorite photos of Bonsai. She was a scrappy puppy, a beautiful but slightly aloof and stand-offish dog, and a stubborn old gal. And I’m going to miss her for a long time.

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Had a restless night. Couldn’t fall asleep then tossed around for what felt like all night. Had an itch that wouldn’t go away no matter how much I scratched. But I feel…I’m not sure what. Grateful for our remaining pets and my husband. But sorrowful, still.

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Royal’s Bonsai, the spunky Shiba Inu July 17, 2008 - December 3, 2022 The vet said we were making the right decision. It was time. I’ve never felt heartbreak like this. 💔

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💔 We just said goodbye to my sweet princess Bonsai.

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😔 Dreading tomorrow’s veterinarian visit.

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In my HR days, I used to smugly lament that unions have outlived their usefulness. And in some instances I still think that’s not entirely untrue. But dang, railway workers. Y’all should strike the Hell outta the economy. Wake ‘em all up.

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Opinion I agree with: The populace should get as much paid sick leave as members of congress.

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Grabbing some food at Northstar before calling it a day. Happy birthday, husband!

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Husband’s first pedicure!

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🥹 Updating status from an iOS shortcut I admire but didn’t build myself

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😜 Did I figure it out?

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🧖‍♂ Spa day for me and my husband for his birthday

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Oh by the way my dad thinks Black Lives Matter is “worse than what happened on January 6th.” God I love the holiday season. 🎄 Brings us all so much closer together. Yeah. Close enough to wanna strangle each other 🙄

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🤭 Hello World

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Maybe it’s time I should leave LastPass and just stick with iCloud. Right now, at least, I don’t really have a case use for a third party password manager. I can’t install anything on my work computer and am forced to use MS Edge as my work password manager. I’m in the Apple ecosystem at home so iCloud usually does what I need it to do. I don’t really rely on a browser except for Safari, so I don’t really have a need for browser extensions.

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Thriller by Michael Jackson is 40 years old. 🎵

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Ok stop me if you’ve heard this one before. An antisemite and a white supremacist walk into a golf club to have lunch with the former president of the United States of America…

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Plop plop fizz fizz Is that really all there is?

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Here’s a grainy and crooked photo of my handsome husband decorating the mantle in silver, blue, and white for the season. ❄️📷

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Having thanksgiving with my family who live in a more conservative part of Ohio. I can always tell I’m getting close when the radio station changes from NPR to a religious broadcast. 🙄

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🇺🇸 I decided that for every “America this and China virus that and flag this and veterans that and god this and Trump that” email my dad sends me, I’m going to reply with a Heather Cox-Richardson piece and comment like, “Never knew __ was so __, did you?” 😇

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Would anyone be willing to teach me a little bit about omg.lol and what you can do with it? I don’t understand DNS all that well or why I’d want a PURL and for what and is it also a url shortener how does that work and, and, and…

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I don’t think it’s possible to cross post from Mastodon to micro.blog is it? Plus I recall from early social media training that it’s probably not something I should do anyway since the audiences are different, right? But you gotta see some of these jokes on Mastodon omg 🤣😂☠️

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📷 This is my husband. It’s just… him. No frills, no fancy bow tie, still waking up a little, and talking with me in the morning. I cherish the times we share in our mornings together and I cherish him. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him. ❤️👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼

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