I’m afraid of Americans.

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One of my employees called me out during a team meeting for going to the restroom at 10:00 a.m. every day. Like I’m really THAT predictable. Well it’s 9:39 a.m. here and I just showed him. Humph. 💅 Of course he was all, “Why are you showing me this? Stop it! Please stop!”

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This x one million

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I tried to start a chapter of GAG here in Ohio before the pandemic but couldn’t drum up enough interest or participation. So I gave up. Also, fuck guns. The 2nd amendment should be abolished. Gays Against Guns | Come Out Against Gun Violence www.gaysagainstguns.net

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I’m afraid of Americans.

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Omg I just had some Pop Rocks for the first time since I was like 12. How did we grow up on this stuff? TASTE THE EXPLOSION, MATTHEW. TASTE IT. I do like the little sizzle noise it makes. 🤭

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Went to pluck a chin hair and my skull caved in from the back. Omg I died. I read this on Mastodon and died laughing for like a solid 30 seconds. 😂🤣☠️  beige.party/@azedand2…

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Bonsai wouldn’t eat all of her dinner and now she’s doing her pacing thing. Looks like I might be in for a long night. Last time she woke me three or four times before finally settling in. It sucks watching the dog you’ve had since she was a puppy in decline. It just sucks.

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Test post. Did I ‘install’ Cusdis correctly?

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😿 Trying to learn this stuff.

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Is there an easy way to tell if a Mastodon server is down? I’m trying to log in to mastodon.online and all I see is a blank webpage with the logo at the top…

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Just learned from democracy.town over on Mastodon that ResistBot is alive and well and very fancypants now what with its iMessages and all Resist Bot website. I wish more people knew about it!

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Lovely random text from an old friend. Grateful for the people in my life, even if I don’t see or talk to them regularly.

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Ohio committee votes to send LGBTQ resolution to full state board of education The Ohio school board’s executive committee approved an updated resolution declaring its opposition to the proposed federal expansion of Title IX protections to include members of the LGBTQ+ community. I’m afraid of Ohioans.

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I wish I knew a better way to organize my music library. Subscribing to Apple Music and adding from there got everything all mixed up, sorting-wise.

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Oh, happy birthday to the BBC.

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I’m afraid of Americans.

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I mean this in the most sincere way: screw republicans. Trump was here in Ohio supporting our spineless, corrupt governor last night. Not even after January 6 would DeWine denounce Trump, and last night is exactly the reason why. Gross. 🤢🤮

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Bonsai girl had me up four times last night. I’m exhausted. We might need to look at getting her a mild sedative. 😟🐕

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Another one of the last roses from Michael’s garden this year 📷🌱

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I used PunkPost to send a just-because card to Michael. I did the words writing, they did the handwriting. It came in the mail yesterday. Michael was very moved. I’m so grateful for him. ♥

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Somehow I’ve managed to land two job interviews soon. Both are exempt (non-union), but one of them is classified. Right now I’m unclassified which makes me an at-will Democrat employee in a very Republican adminimstration. Guess which job I want? (Hint: it’s the classified one.)

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My sleepy beagle.

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I wonder if any libraries are running Mastodon servers yet…

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Some fall foliage photos from Michael’s fabulous garden. 📷🌱

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