💾 I really like my new job. Only complaint? The stronghold IT has on the agency. Like, they won’t even enable OneDrive. Everything is email and shared network drives. I’m used to using sorely outdated technology in the public sector, but this is beyond what I’ve grown accustomed to.
👩⚖️ Tennessee would make it a felony -a felony- for publishers to provide books to schools that the state does not approve of. Utah would force publishers to pass a review every time they update educational material.
👠 I haven’t yet changed my LinkedIn profile picture to the one of me in drag. I’ve been too scared. Hearing that Missouri now has a page where people can report trans individuals and the people who help them to the state, I think it’s time to make a statement. Here’s hoping I don’t lose my new job.
That irony was certainly lost on one politician! In 1978, a bill was introduced in the Maryland state legislature to make it illegal to play “Short People” on the radio. Delegate Isaiah Dixon wanted radio stations and employees to be criminally charged and fined for playing the song, but the bill was not passed.
Once the Nazis took power they banned books, outlawed drag shows and homosexuality, changed school curricula to remove mention of their atrocities in WWI, and rewrote election laws so they’d never again lose an election.
Politicians in state legislatures across the country have filed bills that are detrimental to our school libraries and public libraries. Some of this legislation calls for the arrest and incarceration of librarians.
But, while the company may be perceived as an LGBTQ ally, its corporate PAC activities suggest otherwise. Over the last few years, the brewing giant has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting the campaigns of anti-LGBTQ politicians at the federal and state level.
I knew their “support” was all for show. Corporations are the worst. Especially during Pride month.