
New Headline: Go Chew Yourself, Kavanaugh OR Let Me Eat Steak OR Lousy Lying Justice Seasons Steaks with Seasoner, Denies Knowing ‘er. This is very much worth reading: Opinion - Sorry, Brett Kavanaugh, but the Constitution has no right to steakhouse dinners - The Washington Post

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Sunflower 🌻

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Part of me feels like there should be more current Madonna parodies, and part of me feels like Madonna is the current Madonna parody. 📺 Medusa: Dare to be Truthful (YouTube.com)

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We need a new Constitutional amendment.

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Hope. What are you hopeful for? Where do you seek hope? For me, I find hope in music. Here’s a good example of a piece of music that overwhelmed me with feelings of hope and possibility. Spring 1 | Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi, The Four Seasons Music has always, always been incredibly important to me. Not like, elevator music. But good music that makes you feel - joy, sorrow, anger, fear, wonder - the kind that resonates on your skin and gives you goosebumps.

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Even my librarymatthew.com domain name feels kinda pointless to have now. I’m not really library Matthew these days. I’m kinda just…Matthew. And I don’t think matthew.com is for sale. I donno why I’m so troubled by all of this. Hmph.

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I think I’m going to actually let go of having a website. I’m not much of a content publisher, certainly not on a regular basis. All my portfolio items were really related to library school which is getting farther and farther away, time-wise.

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We Don’t Have To Respect Dumb: But the next time someone has the audacity to tell you, “this is what the Founders meant, what they wanted,” you don’t have to respond with a finely tuned legal argument, one grounded in the Federalist Papers and other writings of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Franklin, Madison, Jay and the rest. You don’t have to treat crazy with respect. “You don’t have to treat crazy with respect.

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So my website is now defunct. No real traffic to speak of, but I thought it was an ok place to house a portfolio of some of my work. I’m thinking about rebuilding. Will probably lose the LibraryMatthew url. Not sure how easily I’d like to be associated with the new site. A lot of my professional stuff I’ve posted on LinkedIn and can direct people there to view it, but I’d kinda like to have my own space.

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(A Satire) I obtained a draft copy of the Ohio Governor’s “Week in Review” e-newsletter. There was one section that really stood out to me because it had some recommended edits included. I thought it was fascinating to see the writing process in action, and I personally thought the suggested edits made the messaging a lot more transparent. I’m not sure why Lt. Governor Husted didn’t take the suggestions that were put before him.

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SCOTUS Deals a Blow to the Unaccountable, Unelected Administrative State | Opinion: But constitutional and democratic principles don’t seem to matter much to Democrats these days. Really, turdbucket? Really? You really wanna sling some mud over this? Of course you don’t. You wanna pander to your stupid conservative base who’ll believe anything you say because they’re terrified of trans people using the right bathroom. It’s pathetic trolling (but hey, it got my attention so it must be working).

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Lily loves her head scratches

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Michael got a dress form and left it on our porch. I took this picture of it. That is all.

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Tomorrow I’m seeing an old friend from high school. I get to meet his family and he, mine. The last time I remember hearing what he was doing, he was like in Italy translating Italian into Latin and back again or something. His brain is basically Siri, I think.

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I love this: In our songwriting workshops we talk about the fact that the ancient Greeks believed music was the opposite of astronomy. Astronomy was all about mapping the stars — the furthest reaches of the universe they could access. Music was all about accessing inner terrain. Music had the power to wake up parts of ourselves that we had forgotten — or never even knew — existed. It’s from the latest e-newsletter by Linford Detweiler of Over the Rhine (my favorite band).

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Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony Is a Withering Indictment of the Entire GOP - The Atlantic: The events of January 6 were, in their own twisted way, a fitting denouement for the Trump presidency. It was so obvious, for so long, that this wouldn’t end well. To say the least.

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A Hard Right Turn - by Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner: Its path was paved by Mitch McConnell’s Machiavellian exploitation of the deaths of two justices. He was a master of shamelessness with a single purpose — to accomplish via judicial appointment what he could never have achieved through democratic means. Exactly. He’s rotten.

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Texas educators propose referring to slavery as “involuntary relocation” | The Texas Tribune: In this case, the group proposing these second grade curriculum revisions was given a copy of Senate Bill 3, Texas’ law that dictates how slavery and issues of race are taught in Texas. The law states that slavery can’t be taught as part of the true founding of the United States and that slavery was nothing more than a deviation from American values.

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Shaken - by Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner - Steady: For now, however, we must remember how close we came to never learning the full story. If the Republicans had a majority in the House, there would be no committee. The majority of elected officials in that party are not only eager to sweep this insurrection under the rug, they still pay fealty to the would-be dictator who fomented it.

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I’m trying so hard not to rage tweet on here about politics. I did that for four years on Twitter and about lost my mind, along with most of my faith in humanity. I know this isn’t the neighborhood for it. But I just get so angry sometimes and want to let it out. Ugh.

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Micro.blog Posting Bookmarklet Source: Micro.blog Posting Bookmarklet – Colin Devroe

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I’m sick of democrat politicians asking us, “What can we do?” No. What can YOU do? We’ve given you ideas. We’ve given you hope. We’ve given you money. We’ve given you votes. What, besides continuing to roll over and just take it, can YOU do about all this?

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Popular Information is donating 50% of all revenue from new subscriptions to the largest nationwide, independent, nonprofit abortion fund assisting patients in all 50 states. If you want to help the Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project, go there and donate.

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Sounds about white: GOP lawmaker calls Roe ruling victory for white life as Trump rally cheers

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