Sounds about white: Supreme Court backs praying coach Joseph Kennedy who knelt on the 50-yard line after games So it’s ok to kneel at the sportsball game if you’re white and praying to a Christian god, but it’s not ok to kneel at the sportsball game if you’re Black and trying to bring attention to racial injustices. Got it. This is America. 🇺🇸

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One of my favorite Sinéad O’Connor songs 🎶

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Live updates: The Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade | NPR: “The Court has corrected a terrible legal and moral error, like when Brown v. Board overruled Plessy v. Ferguson,” he said. “The Justices applied the Constitution. They carefully weighed the complex factors regarding precedent. The Court overturned mistaken rulings that even liberals have long admitted were incoherent, restoring the separation of powers. I commend the Court for its impartiality in the face of attempted intimidation.

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The Supreme Court makes me embarrassed and sad to be an American. I’m so sorry for this country. It’s not democratic. It’s not progressive. It perpetuates inequality. It’s being held hostage by a rich, white minority led by living dinosaurs whose extinction cannot come soon enough for me.

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This post on LinkedIn by Jenni Hill is it. Working dads who don’t acknowledge their stay-at-home spouses as having contributed to their success = 👎🏼. Recommended reading includes Pregnant Then Screwed by Joeli Brearley and Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner by Katrina Marçal.

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I really don’t think Mitch McConnell gets enough credit for ruining America.

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January 6 Hearings: Republicans Will Do It Again: The mob attack on Congress a year and a half ago was merely the most grotesque manifestation of Donald Trump’s rejection of democracy, and Trump himself merely the most grotesque manifestation of his party’s authoritarian impulses. I’m sorry (not sorry) but I gotta say I agree. He said the Republican agenda out loud all the time, and it was never about god or country or troops.

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Stumbled onto some Beach Boys while browsing Apple Music. I’d gotten my dad a vinyl copy of “The Smile Sessions” for Christmas a few years ago. The only song I knew on it was Good Vibrations. It was apparently an album that The Beach Boys never finished since Brian Wilson was like obsessed with it and going crazy or something and there was infighting in the group. So when I saw this “completed” version of Smile I was interested, and so went ahead and listened to a few songs.

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These 25 rainbow-flag waving companies donated $13 million to anti-gay politicians since 2021: Despite donating millions to anti-LGBTQ politicians, all 25 corporations included in Popular Information’s analysis were highly rated by HRC’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index. 15 of the 25 corporations received perfect scores (100) and none received a score below 80. Along with workplace policies, the Corporate Equality Index purports to measure corporations’ “public commitment to the LGBTQ community.

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Pride month brand fails show need for action over rainbows: In the year 2022, a rainbow isn’t going to cut it. This is a year where there are up to 280 anti-trans proposals hitting state legislatures, according to Human Rights Campaign. Article highlights some of the hypocritical companies that fly rainbow flags in June while donating to anti-gay politicians July through May.

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Ohio’s new ‘Constitutional Carry’ law: What you need to know - A new law known as “Constitutional Carry” went into effect in Ohio on Monday, allowing those who are 21-years-of age or older who would be qualified for a concealed carry license to carry a concealed handgun without actually possessing a license. Shooting in Columbus on Sunday, expanded gun rights law going into effect on Monday. Literally.

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June 12, 2022 - by Heather Cox Richardson: It seems likely the Democrats want the deal to establish the principle of federal regulation of guns, and the Republicans want it to say they’re doing something at a time when American voters are demanding action on gun safety. If it does little to change outcomes, Republicans will be able to say that regulations don’t make us safer. So once again, it’s all about appearance, politics, and power instead of people.

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Texas Pastor Calls for Gay People to Be Shot in the Head: “Every single homosexual in our country should be charged with a crime, the abomination of homosexuality that they have, they should be convicted in a lawful trial, they should be sentenced to death, they should be lined up against a wall and shot in the back of the head.” With no due respect, pastor, kiss my grits!

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Judy Garland at 100: What to watch and listen to : NPR: This is top-tier Garland, a performance steeped in pathos and vulnerability that will shake you to your core. Excellent list of Judy Garland gems that I’d love to check out. The quote is, of course, describing her performance in A Star is Born. Barbara Streisand would reprise the role in the 70s, and then there’s the most recent retelling starring Lady Gagging which I didn’t bother to see.

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June 10, 2022 - by Heather Cox Richardson: But a Twitter thread by New York Times reporter Ben Collins today made it clear that the right wing in America has grown beyond Trump. In the right-wing spaces Collins reports on, he says that participants are aware of the hearing but unconcerned about it. Instead, they “have moved onto full-time anti-trans panic. It has consumed them.” They now care far more about fighting to control the nation’s LGBTQ population than about Trump.

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June 9, 2022 - by Heather Cox Richardson: All Americans should remember, they reminded us, that on the morning of January 6, Donald Trump intended to remain president, despite his loss in the 2020 election and his constitutional obligation to step down in favor of President-elect Joseph R. Biden, as every president before him had done. I didn’t watch the hearing. This is one helluva recap. I don’t understand how he still has followers.

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California Poppies from Michael’s garden. See the face? 😮

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Poor Bonsai’s heart murmur is progressing, and so is her arthritis. Here’s a photo of her at her best-and probably how I’ll always remember her. Scrappy, headstrong, smart, funny, aloof. Her birthday is coming up. I want her to make it through that. I don’t want to lose her at all, of course. I hate so much watching her health decline. ❤️❤️💔

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This is one of my favorite photos. We’d just told our how-we-met story at an love-themed open mic storytelling night called Speakeasy. It was Michael’s first time speaking in front of a big crowd. He did great and they loved our story 💕 I love it, too.

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I just explained phat pants to Michael and he was mortified. “Those are awful! How did you ever walk in those?!” Ah, the 90s. I do miss me some good phat pants and some drum n bass music. And Deee-Lite. I really miss Deee-Lite. But I suppose we all miss Deee-Lite.

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The Music That Made Cyndi Lauper | Pitchfork: I opened up my closet, everybody wore my sunglasses–then I came down with pink eye, so maybe that wasn’t a good idea. omg I love her so much. Excellent piece where she talks about musical influences from Joni Mitchell to Missy Elliott. There can’t possibly be a sweeter person in the industry (except Dolly Parton). She’s so smart and funny and down-to-earth.

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Pride, Black History Month book displays among those no longer allowed at Lafayette public libraries | News | Book displays highlighting controversial topics or specific segments of the population such as Pride Month, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Native American history and Cajun heritage are no longer allowed at Lafayette Parish public libraries. Books about straight, white, gender-conforming, neurotypical, Christian men are still OKKK to display.

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Do you think we’re headed for war? Russia. North Korea. This can’t all be leading anywhere good. But I have no alternative to propose. Except that dictators should worry about keeping their own small penises in their own ugly pants and stop acting like selfish toddlers.

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So that shortcut that I modified (I literally changed 2 steps so it wasn’t no big thing) also shares the generated image to the iOS share sheet, which means I can post it to Sunlit, like this. But then one must ask oneself: who really cares what Matthew is listening to anyway? Probably not a good everyday use case, but for those “omg you gotta hear this you guys” posts, maybe I’ll use it.

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Hm. So I figured out how to modify a fancy “now playing” shortcut to upload a fancy “now playing” photo to, but did not figure out how to post it to a post automatically so manually typed all this. Anyway, here’s what is now playing:

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