Your Tim Hortons Coffee App Knew Where You Were at All Times | WIRED: “It generated an ‘event’ every time users entered or left a Tim Hortons competitor, a major sports venue, or their home or workplace.” Gross coffee. Gross company.

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“Frustrated love words.” Doesn’t that sound like a poem? Or the name of a book of poems? Or a line from a song? “Frustrated love words.” Husband said it to me after I did something that, well, frustrated him. It frustrated me, too. Then he showed me some of his favorite thrift store finds from the day, kissed me on the lips, and reminded me that he loves me very much.

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The Case for a Student Strike Over Gun Control - The Atlantic: The children and parents of our country need to take the summer to organize locally, build a set of national demands, and then refuse to go back to school in the fall until Congress does something. I don’t think I’ve ever shouted “Hallelujah!” As loudly as I just did upon reading that. I wish it would actually happen.

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The first day of my intended-to-be-a-vacation-week week and I’m loving the view from the front porch as I’m eating my cereal. …I really, really need this break. I need to stop focusing on me in a selfish way, and start focusing on me in a self-compassionate way.

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endurance 📸 He doesn’t like this photo. I think it’s fantastic, and a testament to his continued endurance and hard work and humanity since the surgery about 17 months ago. He’s more than surviving, he’s thriving. And I couldn’t be prouder to call him my husband.

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The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When the government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a full adult human responsible for her own choices. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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Peonies picked from Michael’s garden. He put them in a beautiful red glass vase and the colors look so nice together. They’re wonderfully fragrant, too. 📸 🌱

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fish 📸 here’s a photo of some fish that I took in 2010 that I don’t remember taking. Sigh. I’m so bummed that I forgot yesterday’s submission. I know it’s a little thing, but I haven’t met many challenges in life lately and I was looking forward to a small win.

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stripes 📸 Dammit! I forgot to submit a photo yesterday because I wasn’t sure if this photo of Maggie would count since it doesn’t really focus on her stripes. Aak! I was so close to meeting the May challenge! 🥺😢😭

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fair 📸 In the before times, Michael and I went to the state fair. He doesn’t like heights but he braved the sky ride with me. One-way. Wouldn’t go back the other way. I guess that’s also fair.

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written 📸 Michael and I first met at a breakfast diner. After some flirting, he gave me this - a guest check on which he’d written his phone number. “Can I give this to you?” He asked me. I had just taken a bite of breakfast. With a full mouth I mumbled a hearty “Yes, you can!”

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Here’s a good idea from @kimberlyhirsh : a template to help you with the letter you’re going to write to your congresspeople about guns in America.

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schedule 📸 Ok I know a screenshot is cheating a little, but hey. Here’s my schedule for next week. Vacation days, baby! I haven’t taken an intentional weeklong vacation in many years. Looking forward to some me time and detoxification (from work, life, etc.)

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5 facts about guns in America - by Judd Legum: The exemption means that the CPSC can regulate toy guns but not actual guns. The agency can mandate a recall of a doll, due to safety concerns, but not a semi-automatic rifle. It’s also harder to buy a box of Sudafed than it is to buy a gun. These facts are depressing. And I fully anticipate no action will be taken by any Republican to limit gun violence in America.

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mountain 📸 I used to sing in a Big Gay Chorus. One year we went to a big conference in a big city on a big mountain with a bunch of other big gay choruses. This is the view from the stage of the venue we sang in. It was an absolutely exhilarating experience.

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I haven’t written this in a while, but it seems appropriate this morning. Fuck guns. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the 2nd Amendment. Am I allowed to say “fuck” on here? I hope so.

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intricate 📸 all credit goes to Michael for sharing this intricate doily with me so I could do today’s challenge. He got it from an estate sale. I laid it on my silver MacBook Air for the pic. The overhead light gives it an orange-ish glow underneath.

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🧶 Funny. I don’t remember linking up this RSS feed to my profile. Maybe it happened automatically. That’d be a little scary. But not a lot scary. It is only yarn. I haven’t picked up a crochet hook since before the pandemic. I really need to get back into it.

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plain 📸 I work for a conservative state agency in a conservative state with a conservative governor and a conservative government and this is my plain view of my plain cubicle wall at my plain job. Hashtag no filter.

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Major cinema chain brings the Big Lie to theaters nationwide: Cinemark did not respond to a request for comment. But Cinemark’s founder and Chairman of the Board, Lee Roy Mitchell, is a major financial backer of Trump and right-wing misinformation platforms. 🚫 Cinemark 🙅🏻‍♂️

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Almost submitted for today’s photo challenge but I wasn’t sure if rope would count.

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textile 📸 One of the many reasons I love Michael is his ability to transform our house into a home with things and techniques I simply wouldn’t think of - like adding this outdoor textile rug to our front porch. Little touches like this really make all the difference.

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My first concert 🎵 was Tori Amos (1994). She’s playing in town tonight and I have a ticket. I’d love to be able to say “My first post-pandemic concert was Tori Amos (2022).” But being in a theater with screaming mixed-vax status fans is still too scary a concept for me right now.

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symmetry 📸 When their stray cat mother had a litter of kittens in our backyard, Lily & Madeleine (Pete) were the only two survivors. We weren’t planning on keeping them, but how could we not? Here they are as young kittens napping in symmetry.

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