Here are some photos from the pinwheel planting ceremony we went to today. Each pinwheel represents a successful transplant at OSU Hospital. The pinwheel is symbolic: 1 stem with 8 spokes representing the potential number of lives that can be saved (and major organs that can be donated) by 1 hero donor. Over 11,500 pinwheels were planted. I’m so grateful for my husband and so overwhelmingly thankful about his donor’s choice to be a hero.

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Snapped this while I was on a quick walk in the Short North earlier this week. It’s the sidewalk outside of Stonewall Columbus, our local LGBTQ community center. Makes a good iPhone wallpaper. 📸

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There were a few low moments for me while the pandemic was at its peak. Hell, there were a few low moments for me this morning, but I won’t get into that right now. I think one of the (many) reasons the pandemic and the isolation really affected me was because I lost a lot of hope. Most of it, in fact. The country was on fire with racial injustice. Trump was pouring gasoline on it.

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Tête-à-tête in front of daffodils 🌸

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Lily laying sideways 🐈

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Stopped and got out of the car to snap this one.

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New record player. Testing it out with the first record that caught my eye. So far, sounds good. I know Whoopi’s fallen out of favor lately (by “lately” I mean pretty much everything she’s done since Jumping Jack Flash except for Sister Act), but this performance is truly exceptional. 🎵🎭

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I’m wearing a zip up sweater. Just bought a bag of Werther’s Original Caramel Hard Candies. Going to the vinyl record store to buy a new record player. #winning #librarianwhodoesntworkinalibrarylife Also just had another hospital stay. May write more on that later.

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Today is my friend-anniversary with my pal AJ. I’ll try to find something I’ve written about him to post here soon. Haven’t seen him since before the pandemic. Hoping he gets vaccinated and then we can hang out soon. He’s a good kid, albeit a typical teenager at this point.

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“Is this shade? I hope so,” someone said to Dan Rather on Twitter. “Alas, it was not shade,” he confirmed in his newsletter. Alas, it was not shade. I want to write how Dan Rather writes. I mean that should be on a t-shirt like, right now. And that’s no shade.

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Fox News Hosts Entertained Putin-Friendly Talking Points. Then Their Colleagues Were Killed in Ukraine. | Vanity Fair: Jesse Watters used his Tuesday program to question if the invasion of Ukraine was actually “engineered” by Joe Biden as a distraction. Once again proving there is no bottom.

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First signs of life from Michael’s 2022 garden. I like the little irises. And the hyacinths are going to smell so good! Can’t wait for full bloom. 🌸

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At the hospital for a fairly routine post-transplant procedure for Michael (i.e. nothing to worry about), and “Inside Edition” is on the TV in the waiting room. It’s infuriating to me that people think this is news. It’s sensationalism. News panic porn. About three paces away from being a Girls Gone Wild commercial. (Ominous music playing) NEXT: ARE ALL THOSE CANNED GOODS YOU BOUGHT DURING THE PANDEMIC STILL GOOD?

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Another old photo. I took this in the alley next to the high rise building where I work downtown. There’s always construction going on down there, it seems. I was walking to grab some lunch and these love bricks caught my eye. I wish I’d thought to move the lunch specials board out of frame before taking this, but oh well. It really kind of struck me, the way these love bricks were laid out.

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Our internet is down at work so I was browsing through some old photos on my phone. This is one that I took at a Columbus Pride parade many moons ago. 🏳️‍🌈

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A Kansas teacher is suing school officials for requiring her to address students by their preferred names, saying the policy violates her religious freedom - CNN: “Any policy that requires Ms. Ricard to refer to a student by a gendered, non-binary, or plural pronoun (e.g., he/him, she/her, they/them, zhe/zher, etc.) or salutation (Mr., Miss, Ms.) or other gendered language that is different from the student’s biological sex actively violates Ms.

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Ditch AT&T, and don’t shop at WALMART because they donate big money to insurrectionist MAGA supporting politicians (after they had promised they’d stop) AT&T breaks pledge, directly donates to Republican objectors

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🎵 Now Playing: Ooh Child by Beth Orton. She sings “someday” like it may never come, and it just rips up my heart. […

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Permitless carry legislation advances despite law enforcement opposition - CNN: The controversial “constitutional carry,” or permitless carry, legislation has gained momentum during this year’s legislative sessions in at least seven states, including Georgia, Wisconsin, Alabama, South Carolina, Indiana, Ohio and Nebraska. Constitutional Carry, my foot. Please. These people wouldn’t know the US Constitution from a roll of toilet paper. This won’t end well, but that doesn’t matter. These things always come back to money, and the money, I’m sure, has already exchanged hands.

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just curious why I only seem to have one category available to me to choose when posting, even though I’ve used multiple (perhaps too many) emoji in posts. Screenshot attached. @help

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Ok, so I joined Mastodon but I really have no idea what I’m doing other than cross-posting from here to there (where it’s called a “toot” which I totally love).

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I haven’t read a single article about working from home that mentions the benefit of being able to break down and ugly cry as often as you need to. And I guess I needed to ugly cry today. So, I did. All without disturbing my boss or team or colleagues. So I guess I’m winning.

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This song was really popular during my clubby drunken nights in my early 20s at the gay bars in Columbus. They’d play the video and I’d go nuts wherever I was standing. Using it this morning to get a little energized for a class I have to teach. 🎵…

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Here’s one of my favorite ear worms. It’s the only song I know by her, really. I must’ve gotten it on a sampler cd or playlist years ago. It’s called River of Dirt. Give it a listen. […

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Queen Elizabeth Has COVID-19: Latest Updates | Time: The Queen’s positive COVID-19 test result came just a day before Prime Minister Boris Johsnon unveiled the country’s “living with Covid” strategy, which will see an end to all COVID-19 restrictions. And isn’t it ironic? Don’tcha think?

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