🎵 This may be my favorite concert t-shirt since Tori Amos’ Under the Pink tour shirts. Neko Case’s show was great. Ran into two friends: one I think I unknowingly offended a year ago and another who used to call me Tardy Tammy when we waited tables together. Not inaccurate.

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Michael asked me what are the primary colors and so I had to tell him: aquamarine, sparkle, and chartreuse. He just said 😐

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🎵 Tonight we are at the Neko Case concert because the Neko Case concert is tonight. Not last Saturday. Like I thought when it was last Saturday and I got all showered and dressed for a Neko Case show what was not being happening that night. Because it is tonight.

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We seriously just got the most perfect pumpkin I’ve ever had in my entire life.

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Michael makes everything better. Everything.

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🍔 Doctors keep telling me I need to dye it AND exercise and I’m like, “My hair’s already purple what more do you want?”

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😖 Guess who’s NOT going to the Neko Case concert tonight. This guy. Because the concert is next Saturday. So I will be going then. Oops.

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One of my favorite things is my small collection of vintage happy meal toy Garfield coffee mugs.

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I’m going to the Neko Case show tonight. These aren’t too inappropriate are they? I mean I know she’s a bit nutty crunchy Americana but I rarely have cause to wear them, so…

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Brainy Smurf was never really my favorite Smurf, but he is my favorite vintage Smurf drinking glass.

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🎹 Today is the anniversary of my first concert: Tori Amos’s 1994 Under the Pink tour in Cincinnati. She walked on stage, sat down at the grandest piano, played and repeated a single note for a while and then began singing, “…What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song…”

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Five photos from early voting.

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Early voting! I’m wearing my KA MA LA t-shirt so there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind what the hell I’m doing here.

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🇺🇸 Early voting starts in Ohio today. I’m voting for Kamala Harris today. And I cannot fucking wait to do so. #FinishHim

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Hey, Utah Republicans! Not satisfied with achieving the nation’s first statewide book ban? Seriously drink every drop of this big cup of shut the f-k up, sit the f-k down, and mind your own f-ing business. Utah book banners now want to make Little Free Libraries susceptible to criminal charges

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💉 I got my covid booster on Saturday and feel kinda cruddy tonight. Its never made me sick before. I had a lovely massage today too. Maybe that worked it up or something.

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🗨️ “Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street.” Mary Elizabeth Lease, 1890 (quoted by Heather Cox-Richardson)

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It’s Kamala, y’all. Comma-la. (My newest car decal 🚙)

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🏈 I would like to remind everyone that I hate, can’t stand, abhor, and generally despise American football, and Ohio State football, and everything related to any of it, and anything related to all of it. That is all.

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Watched the pilot/fist episode of Pushing Daisies the other night. I forgot how entirely exquisitely exquisite in its entirety that show is. The symmetry, the super saturation, the finitely infinite, the pie, the pi. And omfg I just realized pi is short for private investigator and now I’m dead 😵

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Ever since updating iOS websites are slow to load, if they load, and some apps have slowed down. It’s like Apple is back up to their old tricks.

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I decided to go dark on LinkedIn for a while what with the talking to I got. Honestly it doesn’t even matter to me. What mortified me was the idea of my boss talking to her boss about me. I don’t ever want to put my boss in the position of having to defend hiring me. That should never, ever happen.

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Watching a great webinar on when training is appropriate and when it isn’t. I accidentally made the presenter crack up a little by making a (relevant) quip about Iron Man in the chat. “I was trying keep a straight face through this but Matthew you got me,” he said through kind laughter. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Dermatologist appointment this morning. I broke down sobbing in the car when I realized I was driving the same route as we used to when we took Lucy to the ER. The time she howled in my arms in the car still haunts me. I donno if I can keep it together for this appointment.

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Today my boss’s boss had a talk about me because of my overtly partisan and political posts on LinkedIn which someone outside of my workplace brought to someone inside of my workplace’s attention. And so I was told I’m not technically breaking a rule but… I get it and am going to tone it down and set posts to private. But I will say this here: if awful Republicans didn’t do awful things like ban books and ignore climate change and control women’s bodies and lie and gerrymander and try to nullify my marriage and suppress votes and disenfranchise voters and stack supreme courts and thoughts and prayers and misogyny and racism and transphobia and tampons in schools and also go right along with an authoritarian fascist racist orange turd bag who lies and lies and only lies, then I wouldn’t have anything to post about in the first place on LinkedIn, now would I?

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