Turdbucket | Opinion

SCOTUS Deals a Blow to the Unaccountable, Unelected Administrative State | Opinion:

But constitutional and democratic principles don’t seem to matter much to Democrats these days.

Really, turdbucket? Really? You really wanna sling some mud over this?

Of course you don’t. You wanna pander to your stupid conservative base who’ll believe anything you say because they’re terrified of trans people using the right bathroom. It’s pathetic trolling (but hey, it got my attention so it must be working).

Have fun while your orange messiah, the one who all but literally shat on the constitutional principles you claim we don’t value, gets squashed like a bug, by the way. I’m sure you’ll send more just like him, but I’ll still revel in his demise, and I pray for the day supporters like you get vaporized by the global warming you’re forcing upon us all.