You guys will NOT believe who texted me. I mean, I don’t even know how she got my number! I blurred hers here to respect her privacy. I just have this feeling we’re going to be best friends, and that she’s gonna text me all the time. I finally know what Beyoncé must feel like. It feels good!

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Ladies and gentlemen: Lily cat.

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Via The Hartmann Report by Thom Hartmann, 8/2/2024 — Beware of fundraising scams! If, like me, your phone has been inundated with fundraising pitches from organizations claiming to represent everything from Democrats to retired people to students to individual politicians, here’s a simple bit of advice: Don’t click on the link and don’t respond! Markos Moulitsas over at Daily Kos points out that most all of these groups are actually running scams, raising millions and then simply paying themselves “consulting fees” to pocket your money.

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Don’t know about the $10 million (cash) bombshell? Read this. Like, now. It’s one of the best pieces of writing she’s published. The way she structures her content is inspired. History certainly holds up many mirrors for us. August 2, 2024 by Heather Cox Richardson

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We watched the Steel Magnolias remake with Queen Latifah & Phylicia Rashad (who I sweartogod doesn’t look a day over 50 at the most) & Jill Scott. I didn’t cry as much as I do when I watch the iconic original film, but I did cry. I didn’t want to so I started looking around the room. I didn’t want to see that scene. You know the exact scene I mean.

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I swear my husband has the best eye for space adornment. Is that a thing? “Space adornment”? I don’t think that’s a thing, but it’s kind of what he does. The metronome here is the pièce de résistance.

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There’s always free cheddar in the mouse trap, baby.

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Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL 4/15/05Tori AmosI went to Chicago by myself to see this show. I missed my original flight because I was too hungover to get to the airport on time. I had entered a writing contest and won a seat upgrade to the third row. I missed the opening act which I didn’t mind, and I was nearly late to her first song, but I got to my seat just in the nick of time.

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Have One On MeJoanna Newsom“Go Long” and “Baby Birch” and “Have One On Me” and “Good Intentions Paving Company” and “In California” …but most especially “Jackrabbits”. And I guess there’s a third disc somewhere in this magnificent triple album.

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um okay so this just happened … 🥹

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Husband came to meet me for lunch downtown. We haven’t done that in a long time so I had to commemorate the occasion. Plus lunch was really good. I had Venezuelan paella.

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But that…that’s exactly what…but…does he realize that he…and he’s describing exactly what… 🫨🤯🫠

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👩‍⚖️ Watching annual ethics training. Hilarious how Ohio’s public servants are held to a higher standard than the SCOTUS. I’m really tempted to submit a request for an advisory opinion about the legality of accepting a “tip” after I award a public contract as a personal favor.

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📧 I’ve pretty much decided to declare email bankruptcy and just start over. Any advice on transitioning to a new service (looking at Proton and TutaNota) and finding existing Gmail emails worth preserving?

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🤩 Pete Buttigieg! Pete Buttigieg! Pete Buttigieg! would be an amazing running mate for our country’s next president, Kamala Harris.

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Black Ivory SoulAngelique KidjoSometimes I’d browse the international section of the library’s music section. I discovered several artists there, and deepened my knowledge of others. I was familiar with Angelique Kidjo from her cover of “Summertime” on a compilation CD called Amazing Grace. I bought it during my Ani DiFranco collecting years, as her version of Amazing Grace began the CD. There are a lot of good songs on there-a unique version of “Calling All Angels” by Jane Siberry is a standout.

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We watched a superb documentary on queer comic history and culture. I didn’t realize how awful Eddie Murphy, Andrew Dice Clay, and Sam Kinison were. Murphy’s rant about faggots while he’s wearing skin tight leather pants and more makeup on stage than Liberace is particularly…awful. Check out Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution. It spun up a lot of memories for me - touchtone memories from growing up gay. It makes me want to write about some of them.

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Before The DawnKate BushThe single best live album I’ve ever heard. Mixing, mastering, production, and of course Kate Bush’s performance, are all so perfectly executed. And what a performance she gives us. The audience goes bonkers when she first appears, and they’re pin-drop quiet during the dramatic moments that demand close attention. The three act structure works perfectly and shines a bright spotlight on two quite deserving song cycles, The Ninth Wave from Hounds of Love and A Sky of Honey from Aerial.

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Kamala fucking Harris has given me the first feelings of hope I’ve had since the pandemic started. Brand new day, indeed.

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I’m with her, y’all.

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The only thing Joe Manchin should be running for is the hills. That guy’s the worst and it’s obvious he’d only run to serve as a detractor - a Jill Stein or Kennedy Jr. style vote stealer who causes so much more harm than good. And I’m entirely convinced he’s full aware. That guy is a pro-fossil fuel, paid off, rotten pot-stirrer who can go jump in a lake (if they don’t all dry up due to the anti-climate policies he’d put into place).

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The only bad part about this is that Jill Stein is still gonna think she’s got a shot.

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Welp. Who wants to run for president? Because every single person on this platform is exponentially more capable than the Republican nominee. If you’re reading this, I say throw your hat in the ring.

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I’m Afraid Of Americans E.P. (Remaster)David BowieGeez am I stuck in the 90s or what? Love this song, though. Not sorry. Still relevant.

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Today would’ve been Bonsai’s birthday. Here’s one of my favorite pictures of her from a long time ago.

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