Tuning in to the debates and my god are newscaster/commentator panels are awful. AWFUL. And I still don’t understand how there are so many stupid people in this country. And I seriously can’t stand mainstream media any more. omg. awful awful awful

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We aren’t exactly fans of yours either, buddy. Try doing some actual work on behalf of the people you’re supposed to be serving and representing instead of using taxpayer dollars to call for ethnic cleansing. (Which I hope someone sues you for because propagating this kind of garbage as a public servant is unhinged, unacceptable, and unnecessary.)

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Remember When Trump Praised Nazis? (video from zeteo.com) “Very fine people on both sides.” Was this a statement Trump made that praised the nazis at the Unite the Right rally? Snopes.com says nope. The problem with the Snopes “very fine people” fact check, which claims Trump said those words but didn’t mean them that way, is that it looks at the comment in a very narrow context. Zoom out a little, and I mean like a couple millimeters, and the fact check turns into a “true” rating quite easily.

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Someone in a LinkedIn group posted a link to the group (which is secular) to the Christian book they authored (which apparently is doing very well). I couldn’t help myself and left a Congratulatory comment with a screenshot from The Satanic Temple’s website. 😈🤘

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🧠 Q: Is it rude to see two therapists? Or just expensive? …Asking for myself. My therapist helps me navigate Neurodivergence in a broad way. I love that and don’t want to lose it. I also need someone who can get down to the real nitty gritty of coping with everyday issues.

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Green Library Online Exhibit Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement This is important. You should visit it. 65 Stories: Say Their Names (a Stanford Libraries exhibit) Raise the Roof by MeShell Ndegeocello (Read by Staceyann Chin) “Raise the Roof” is a song from her forthcoming album No More Water: The Gospel of James Baldwin by Meshell Ndegeocello. It speaks about the Black American experience. I will never, as no white person will ever, be able to know precisely what that experience is like.

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Waking up this morning, which is a little overcast causing it to look like a grey muggy sauna out there, with a few songs from k.d. lang’s Ingenue. It’s one of very few albums I listen to that doesn’t have a single skippable song. “So It Shall Be” is my favorite this morning.

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One of my favorite neo soul singer songwriters is a woman named MeShell Ndegeocello. She plays bass, sings, and has a new album coming out which is a tribute to James Baldwin. This song, Raise the Roof, is a spoken word piece (I’m not sure who’s speaking). If you believe black lives matter at all, you should listen to this.

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✝️ Heh. My Amazon review of the Book of Mormon Alexa skill is live

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🧼 I’m currently wearing a face mask before I hop in the shower. Listening to I’m Breathless and wondering how we all just accepted that “Vogue” was on that album and that’s the way it was and that’s the way it was going to be and just deal with it. Should’ve been an EP or something. Actually it fits more in place on The Immaculate Collection because I always want to hear “Justify My Love” right after it.

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😔 The Book of Mormon came up as a recommended skill to enable. Like, the actual Book of Mormon. There exists an Alexa skill for it. Because why not, right? It was kinda fun writing a five-star review that used almost every song title from the musical including “Orlando (reprise).” The only one I didn’t fit in was “Sal Tlay Ka Siti” which is a bummer. I should’ve tried harder, I know.

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It’s mom and dad’s anniversary today.

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This song just spoke to a place in me that really needed to hear it. I’ve got to get my life together. “Wise Up” by Aimee Mann song.link/us/i/1544…

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🦈 Sharks and batteries? Really?! Folks, we’re gonna need a bigger battery powered boat that doesn’t sink from its own weight while we get electrocuted and jump the shark to attend hate rallies, I guess. #BabyShark #Unfit #TrumpCult #MAGAcult #WordSalad #JawsTheMovie #sharks #batteries #SinkingShip

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Plants can be so alien looking. This is the tip of a vine Michael has growing on our brick house. 👽🌸📸

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Lucky shot, but it’s one of my new favorites. I’ll post to Pixelfed, which I should probably visit more than once a year. But micro.blog really is my go to for pretty much all the posts, except sassy political posts I put on LinkedIn. Anyway, here’s a bee on a Lauren’s Grape Poppy 🐝📸🌸

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These are most of the photos of Lucy in my collection that, for one reason or another, I had marked as being favorites. 14 years is a significant amount of time to have a best beagle friend. Saying goodbye after 14 years of hellos - it’s a loss I never anticipated would be so excruciating and heartbreaking and deeply painful. I know I keep saying this, but I truly found a place in myself that I didn’t know was there when she left this plane.

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Our Lucy is gone. After a severe weekend we said goodbye to her yesterday morning at around 7:30. She’d had either a stroke or a tumor on the brain. It all happened pretty quickly. She stopped eating on Saturday. I hand fed her some baby food that she sort of seemed to like. It might’ve kept her sugar up a little, but it wasn’t enough to sustain her. Her tail had stopped wagging.

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We plan to wait until Lucy’s vet visit on Wednesday to talk options. But I know she can only decline. There’s no sudden bounce-back with a tumor on the brain. It’s been awful this weekend, especially her refusing to eat. If it can only get worse from here, if improvement is off the table and prolonging and delaying are all that’s left, then there are two fast approaching outcomes and one involves slightly less suffering for her.

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Maggie cat, who was rubbing the corner of my iPhone and also apparently the keyboard, sent that last status update. Please welcome Maggie the Cat as the newest (excuse me, MEWest) co-author of this micro.blog.

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We x

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Lucy isn’t eating her breakfast this morning. This is always worrying because she’s so food motivated. I’m trying to let her rest. She woke me around 4a and it was obvious she’d been up for a while judging from what I had to clean up. I don’t want to say goodbye. I don’t know how to say goodbye. I want to curl up in a ball and hold her close and tell her it’ll be ok.

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Yesterday was the most insufferable day I’ve ever had with Lucy. It was miserable. And heartbreaking. At one point I had this song on repeat, Sleep Baby Jane, from the Over the Rhine album Eve and cried while I sat at the dining table and it played in its loop. My baby. My baby. My baby.

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There’s a Bonnie Raitt song I love called “Nick of Time” from her 1989 album of the same name. (My cool Aunt Cathie turned me on to that album. I must’ve been about 11 or 12. Her early influence on my musical tastes persists.) There are several simple observations and lessons in that song. This is my favorite: Life gets mighty precious When there’s less of it to waste.

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We’re at home now, Michael and I. We’ve been sitting out front in the tranquil garden green space Michael makes, shutting out the noise from the church people across the street with songs by Aretha Franklin playing on my iPhone. It’s cool outside, unseasonably and almost chilly. Michael has on his Keith Haring sweatshirt. I’m still in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. I like the cool outside times. We sat on one of the two benches Michael has in the garden, one black and the other white.

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