“She can turn it out with a heel on.”

(Daisy Dead Petals by Tori Amos)

Let them call me rebel

Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man. I conceive likewise a horrid idea in receiving mercy from a being, who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the orphan, the widow, and the slain of America.

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The Shining + The Fly + Dallas + Female Trouble + Carrie = The Substance

Decided to see a movie on my own tonight. It’s called The Substance and looks intense. The lady who took my ticket literally asked if I knew what I was getting myself into. I only saw a short preview and I’m already like 😱

This is not a political post

This is not a political post nor is it an endorsement of any candidate. It can’t be, because racism isn’t political, right? Lynching isn’t political, right? Calling for violence isn’t political, right? Here is some factual information that is factual regardless of anyone’s political persuasion. This is a direct quote and my sharing it alongside this news article does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate or party. It is unsettling and deeply troubling, but not at all political because political beliefs don’t change facts.

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On Halloween night, the devil wears Payless. 👠👠

The Playbook

Am I understanding this 15-point plan correctly? Ride a tacky gold escalator to the ground floor. Be a jerk. Cheat to win. Create chaos for four years. Lie. About everything. Repeat often. Legitimately lose. As a legitimate loser, call for a coups and violent insurrection but don’t use those exact words (wink!). Create chaos for four years. Lie. About everything. Repeat often. Be a white supremacist but don’t use those exact words (wink).

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The Third Option

Here’s a video Right vs. Wrong: How To Stop Polarizing Here’s my comment on it: Neat parlor trick. Maybe the third option is recognizing that to sit on the fence and take a “some very fine people on both sides” approach disguised as compassion and compromise comes from a place of ultimate privilege. Yes, life is complex. Yes there are grey areas. But some things really are binary.

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Live from Nowhere, Vol. Two by Over the Rhine

Live from Nowhere, Vol. TwoOver the RhineOver the Rhine has been my favorite band since my friend Keith put a song called “Should” on a high school mixtape for me named “Matt Has Poopyworms.” For the record, I did not have poopyworms. This is actually my second favorite live album by Over the Rhine, with the first being the recorded performance at their farm where I just happened to be in the audience.

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Lily on the red towel on the red chair. 🐱❣️

Sometimes I spend too much time browsing Funko POPs on Amazon, browsing and browsing, scrolling and scrolling, until I see one that literally makes me gasp with excitement. Case in point:

I wish I knew how to take better sky photos with my iPhone, but the moon was pretty this morning so I took a photo anyway.

Looks like I’m spending $2.00 at the half price books store.

🎵 This may be my favorite concert t-shirt since Tori Amos’ Under the Pink tour shirts.

Neko Case’s show was great. Ran into two friends: one I think I unknowingly offended a year ago and another who used to call me Tardy Tammy when we waited tables together. Not inaccurate.

Michael asked me what are the primary colors and so I had to tell him: aquamarine, sparkle, and chartreuse. He just said 😐

🎵 Tonight we are at the Neko Case concert because the Neko Case concert is tonight. Not last Saturday. Like I thought when it was last Saturday and I got all showered and dressed for a Neko Case show what was not being happening that night. Because it is tonight.

We seriously just got the most perfect pumpkin I’ve ever had in my entire life.

Michael makes everything better. Everything.

🍔 Doctors keep telling me I need to dye it AND exercise and I’m like, “My hair’s already purple what more do you want?”

😖 Guess who’s NOT going to the Neko Case concert tonight. This guy.

Because the concert is next Saturday. So I will be going then.
